Dr. Ekant Sharma



  • Acting as TPC member for IEEE NCC 2023
  • Acting as TPC member for IEEE ICNC’23 AMCN
  • Instructor for Post Graduate Certification course in “5G Technology and IoT” by Coursera and IIT Roorkee
  • Acting as the Joint Secretary in the executive committee of the IEEE Roorkee Sub-section, 2022
  • Acting as a TPC member for IEEE ICICICT-2022 organized by IEEE Kerala Section
  • TPC member for International Conference on Emerging Electronics and Automation (E2A 2022 and E2A 2021)

Member of following committees

  • Department academic program committee (DAPC), 2022-2024
  • ANSYS fellowship for MTech students, 2022
  • Departmental high-performance computing (HPC), 2022
  • SATHI proposal of DST, 2022
  • Anti ragging committee, 2022-2023
  • Faculty advisor for MTech CNSP group, 2022-2023

Routinely review articles for

  • IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Transactions
  • IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
  • IEEE Transactions on Communications
  • IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
  • IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society
  • IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking
  • IEEE Internet of Things Journal
  • IEEE Systems Journal
  • IEEE Communication Letters
  • IET Communications